
Ecommerce Conference 2024 - The highlights

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司举办的2024年电子商务会议上,圆形广场的领导人会议室座无虚席, 思想家和创新者齐聚一堂,讨论电子商务行业的未来. 此次活动由十大网博靠谱平台数字的合作主管凯特·威尔逊介绍并结束, 是谁在布朗伍德的第一圈广场为这一天汇集了深刻而多样的话题. She also thanked our sponsors - Advanced Commerce, 和, Retail Technology and Bruntwood SciTech - for their support. 

Kate Wilson, Manchester Digital, welcome guests to the conference

上午的日程安排包括两场来自本地区顶级电子商务和技术专家的演讲, covering topics such as SEO, 电子商务的沉浸式未来以及如何创造正确的全渠道体验. 

下午,与会者在午餐后聚在一起,听取了夏洛特·托德(Charlotte Todd)精彩动人的主题演讲, 他在一年多前澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台英国天然气,担任营销和电子商务总监. She has a brilliant career path across marketing and ecommerce, with a wide range of ecommerce experience at a number of fashion brands, including Net-a-Porter, 混乱, Reiss and Missguided. 这种专注于客户旅程和客户满意度的行业经验现在已经被带到英国天然气公司.

Charlotte Todd, British Gas

克里斯Sheard, ecommerce director from high end sportswear retailer Castore, 从他与快速成长的公司合作的丰富经验中,他给了我们10条经验. Over the past seven years, 他在两家百强企业Castore和CurrentBody的成长过程中发挥了重要作用. His teams have launched 51 websites and four apps, and worked with such as Newcastle United, 游骑兵队, 费耶诺德, 迈凯轮和红牛.

The last session of the day was a panel discussion titled, 的自动化, AI and the Future of Shopping', which was hosted by retail technology expert, speaker and author Miya Knights, who is the publisher of Retail Technology publication. 

The panel consisted of: Will Clayton, principal consultant at AND Digital; Dan Martin, client partner at Microsoft; Richard Davis, principal product lead at Auto Trader and Simon Deplitch, ecommerce director at 和, (which was founded by Manchester Airports Group). 

L-R Miya Knights, Will Clayton, Dan Martin, Simon Deplitch, Richard Davis

Miya Knights围绕人工智能对购物和电子商务的未来意味着什么向小组提出了许多问题. Predictive AI has been used within ecommerce and retail for some time, creating automation for elements such as pricing items on a large scale, or pricing for demand. 然而, 我们知道,未来在电子商务中使用生成式人工智能的潜力巨大.

小组的普遍共识是,在零售和电子商务领域,真实性和与人类经验的真正联系将永远是非常重要的. 然而, AI, 机器学习和自动化将在效率方面继续发展, 能够规模化, and to enhance the overall customer journey. 

An overview of the morning’s sessions: 


Integrating Al capabilities with the essential human layer 

马克里奇, Founder and Principal Consultant of Centre Channel, 讨论了我们如何将人工智能功能整合到我们的电子商务平台和旅程中,同时保持重要的人性化. Mark emphasised the importance of creating online shopping experiences that provide space, 和平, 有意义的联系,而不是人们想要逃离的环境. While AI and automation can optimise efficiency, 人情味是将体验从普通提升到卓越的关键. 

The immersive future of digital commerce 

弗拉基米尔•Mulhem, 部分首席技术官, Board Advisor and Innovation Consultant at Nuvelica, 分享了他对沉浸式商务体验的现状和未来的看法. 而全面采用MR可能需要一段时间,因为消费者需要等待完美的版本, 他强调了部署3D商务等沉浸式技术的机会, 基于“增大化现实”技术的试用, and 3D configurators today. 然而, 弗拉基米尔强调,实施这些措施不应该只是为了它——需要有一个令人信服的“为什么”." 

弗拉基米尔•Mulhem, Nuvelica

The hidden tools in eCommerce that make you money 

Chris McCarthy-Stott, Associate Director of eCommerce at PushON, 强调了一些未被充分利用的功能,而商家往往已经在其电子商务技术堆栈中为这些功能付费, but can unlock significant revenue opportunities. 这包括类别自动化、追加销售、分面/过滤、产品Q&A, product reviews, search synonyms and search redirects.

AI learnings at MoneySuperMarket Group

马特·埃文斯, Principal Developer at MoneySuperMarket Group, 分享了他们在过去一年中使用生成式人工智能的一些初步经验, 包括他们最初用聊天机器人“轮子”进行的实验,他们的谷歌喜欢的“MoneySuperMarket网站搜索”. Some of Matt’s key takeaways were that generative AI can enable personalisation but works best combined with traditional approaches like APIs; its "creativity" can be limited; AI won't solve everything; data privacy considerations are paramount; and for niche queries, AI still struggles compared to human expertise.


Ecommerce SEO is evolving - how to prepare for success in 2024. 

亨利·史密斯, head of SEO at Dark Horse, covered the best SEO strategies for ecommerce businesses in 2024. This includes utilising Google’s organic product grids, 哪些是许多零售商目前没有优化的,但却是提高转化率的绝佳途径. This option was rolled out in the US, before being released in the UK, so will continue to see growth. He also covered some of the best AI tools for SEO at the moment.  


马特·贝尔彻, principal consultant at Codurance, 通过两个关键策略——持续交付和领域建模,他向我们讲述了如何创建更好的微服务之旅. Monolith architecture structures can create various problems, and although microservices are not a silver bullet, they are better for both scaling and maintaining, and aligning with business needs.

Charting the future of digital trade 

克里斯。希尔, alliances director at Alibaba Cloud Europe, spoke about how generative AI is changing ecommerce enormously, 以及阿里巴巴提供的一系列不同服务的概述. He discussed the ability to generate fashion models entirely from AI, and then change their body size, ethnicity and visual background to showcase the product. 在处理大规模的快时尚和产品时,这是非常有效的时间和金钱. 

克里斯。希尔, Alibaba Cloud

How an omni-channel experience can differentiate your business 

大卫的种子, head of product and engineering and Tom Rowland head of customer success, 从Lokulus, 向我们介绍了全渠道体验如何创造一个完全以客户为中心的模式, providing multiple streams of information about the customer, and giving the opportunity to upsell as well. 2023年采用全渠道的英国在线企业的销售额增长了20%. 

Thanks again to all of event partners and fantastic speakers.

了解更多十大网博靠谱平台十大网博靠谱平台数字如何支持大十大网博靠谱平台的电子商务部门 在这里.

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